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Welcome to enhancing health

Mind  Body  Soul  Connection

Hi, I'm Cathy,

Energy Intuitive Practitioner


Creator of Enhancing Health


"I help those who are feeling stuck, 

create change in their lives.

I do this by helping them release emotional blocks, and

underlying self-sabotaging and resistance patterns."


Gain insights, clarity and life changing pathways,

while addressing any subconscious blocks and issues to allow you to regain your health, wellbeing and joy of life.


Learn to work with your body, not against it!

Learn to feel in charge of your life!

Ground Hog Day

It is ‘Ground Hog Day’ Again!


You are just repeating the same patterns over and over.


  • You can't seem to release emotional stress that is getting in the way of your happiness.

  • You are wanting to lose weight and get healthy, your friends are following a program and getting results, why do you keep failing? 

  • You have a great partner, kids but life just seems to be full of stress, there is not enough time to get everything done, you are tired and cannot see a way out.

  • Your new relationship is turning out to be just like the dysfunctional one you just got out of.


You wish things were different, but you feel unable to make that happen, but all the same, you hope it will change.

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Release your Restrictive Blocks

I work with underlying beliefs and programs as well as the body's stress survival system.


I specialise with helping energetically release stuck emotions and underlying resistances that are impeding happiness, stress levels or ability to create life changes.


As an energy intuitive, I am able to help you connect with your underlying limiting beliefs, self-sabotage programs, fears and emotions that may be stuck in your body's energy field, that are unknowingly affecting what you are attracting into your life and the choices you make. 


Together we shift the energetic blocks that have kept these resistances in place, to help create a pathway to change.

Create Change

I am a Reiki Master, Kinesiologist, Advanced Clearing Energetics Master,

Psych-K Practitioner, Bioenergetics Health Coach, a Functional Nutrition Coach

and I have a Diploma of Holistic Healing.

All of these disciplines are combined to bring a holistic approach to create change. 


To Create Change You Need Energy.

It is now common knowledge how stress makes a huge impact on energy levels and overall sense of wellbeing. 


Stress is a natural part of our survival, but if we are in a continual state of stress, in can take a toll on our physical body, our mental health and our energy levels.


Taking this into account, we address where and how your energy system can be supported as you create changes.​


What are Your Goals?

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What is the number one thing you would like to achieve right now?

How would that make a difference to your life?

Connect with me and we can discuss your personal goals and how I may assist you.

Email me or call me if you would like a free 30-minute consultation.


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Please Note: 

If you have a serious medical or psychological condition, please seek appropriate medical assistance. 


Enhancing Health does not claim to cure, prevent, treat, or diagnose any medical condition. Enhancing Health coaching provides complementary services.


Enhancing Health uses Kinesiology balancing techniques to support the body physically, emotionally, mentally, nutritionally, and energetically. Kinesiology recommends options as a result of muscle feedback, and is neither diagnosing, nor treating pathology or medical conditions. Food, herbs, and natural supplements support the body through balancing the energy system and are not prescriptions.

If you are taking medically prescribed drugs, it is your responsibility to discuss any additional herbs and supplements with your chemist or doctor.

You have free choice to say yes or no to any recommendations.

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